Vues de l'exposition Collective Intelligence Longa, cur. Marajata Oja, Galerie Longa & Fônari, Tukkutorinkujan, Helsinki, 2024
Avec le soutien de la Fondation culturelle finlandaise
Photos avec l'aimable autorisation des artistes
Crédit photos Collective Intelligence |
How to make a perfect artwork (in 5 minutes) 2024
Gilles Bingisser & Hazel Ann Watling
Lecture et peinture devant une audience, techniques mixtes, env. 30 minutes |
Marie-Louise 2024
Gilles Bingisser & Hazel Ann Watling
Technique mixte, env. 30 x 22 cm chacun |
This collaborative project between Gilles Bingisser and Hazel Ann Watling, uses the idea of the window mat in the picture-framing process to question the decorative. In French the window mat is called a ‘passe partout’ (a key that allows you to go anywhere) or a ‘Marie-Louise’ (a female name). Through ironic contestation or by attracting the look elsewhere the artists take it in turns to play with the role of the Marie-Louise, making its importance equal to that of the picture, in the same way as the context competes with the text. It is from these formal-based works that the artists will organize a series of actions at the closing of the exhibition, ‘Collective Intelligence Longa’. |
Colour bonbon 2024
Acryliques sur coton tendu, 70 x 50 cm
Collection privée |
Colour bonbon 2024
Acryliques sur coton tendu, 140 x 100 cm |