Sophie T. LVOFF 

Carton de l'exposition Anne Turyn: New York City in 1979/1981, photographs and ephemera from the TOP STORIES era, La Salle de bains, Lyon

L’exposition présente un ensemble de photographies réalisé par Anne Turyn pour illustrer le texte de Kathy Acker « New York City in 1979 » publié dans Top Stories #9 ainsi qu'un ensemble de pièces d'archives des différentes éditions de la revue.
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Vues de l'exposition Anne Turyn: New York City in 1979/1981, photographs and ephemera from the TOP STORIES era, La Salle de bains, Lyon, 2022

A Reading Party II
Sonic, Lyon : Starring Linda Zarah Rose avec Carisa Bledsoe, Fëlix Pap, Elia David (sur les platines)

Textes :

Laurie Anderson, Words in Reverse (1979)
"When TV signals are sent out, they don't stop. They keep going. They pick up speed as they leave the solar system. By now, the first TV programs ever made have been travelling for thirty years. They are well beyond our solar system now. All those characters form cowboy serials, variety hours, and quiz shows are sailing out. They are the first true voyagers into deep space. And they sail farther and farther, intact, still talking..."

Kathy Acker, New York City in 1979 (1979)
"SOME people say that New York City is evil and they wouldn't live there for all the money in the world. These are the same people who elected Johnson, Nixon, Carter President and Koch Mayor of New York.."

Lynne Tillman, Living With Contradictions (1982)
"So Julie and Joe were just part of the great heterosexual capitalist family thrall, possessing each other.
Contradictions make life finer. Ambivalence is just another word for love, becoming romantic about the unconscious....""
New York City in 1979/1981, photographs by Anne Turyn and ephemera of the TOP STORIES era.
Organized by Sophie T. Lvoff.
17 April — 8 May 2022 • Giselle’s Books, Marseille
Vues de l'exposition Top Stories, Giselle's Books, Marseille, 2022
On the occasion of the opening, voices of the art and writing scene of Marseille read a selection of TOP STORIES with a sonic presence by Elia David, that was also broadcast live on *duuu radio.
A Reading Party I
Giselle's Books, Marseille, et en direct sur *duuu radio : Carisa Bledsoe, Bea Bottomley, Madison Bycroft, Fëlix Pap, Brontë Scott, Aki Yamouridis, Elia David (sur les platines)