Stéphane BÉRARD 

Tentative de participation aux Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver 1998, à Nagano (Japon), sous les couleurs de la République Gabonaise 1997
Skis et combinaison de descente, portant, lettres
213 x 200 x 60 cm
Vue de l'expositions SHAKE, OK Centrum, Linz (Autriche) et Villa Arson, Nice, 2004
Photographie S. B.
Attempt to participate in the 1998 winter olympics at Nagano, Japan under the Gabonese flag, 1997


Tentative de participation aux Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver 1998, à Nagano (Japon), sous les couleurs de la République Gabonaise 1997
Tirage numérique, 100 x 30 cm, détail
(Translation down)

Tentative de participation aux Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver 1998, à Nagano (Japon), sous les couleurs de la République Gabonaise 1997
Tirage numérique, 100 x 30 cm, détail

Re : Solicitation with selection in mind

The President of the Olympic Committee for the Gabanese Republic,

Wishing to represent the Gabanese Republic in the upcoming Winter Olympics at Nagano, Japan in the Downhill Skiing event, and not having been selected by the French Ski team because of my age (31 years old), and this despite the fact that I am an alpine ski instructor, I wish to inform you of the steps I have undertaken with the General Consulate of the Gabanese Republic in France, as well as with your country’s Minister of Youth and Sports, in order to obtain Gabanese Citizenship.

I remain at your complete disposition and ask you to accept my most sincere greetings.

Re: Matter concerning the acquisition of Gabanese Citizenship

It is my honor to inform you that I have well received your letter, mentioned in reference, bearing on the question cited in the margin.

We have registered your request and will inform you of all pertinent developments once the competent authorities in our country have examined the matter.
Attempt to participate in the 1998 winter olympics at Nagano, Japan under the Gabonese flag.
Digital print, 100 x 30 cm, detail
