Cad(av)re exquis 2005
Vues de la performance Cadavre Excquis, Cours Julien, Marseille

5 canvases, oil paint, various sizes
The <Salon Nocturne d’Art Contemporain> takes place for only one night during a
popular street event, which attracts about 2000 visitors.
The title refers to the title of a game invented by the surrealists. Each player adds one word (subject, verb etc.), ignoring the other player’s words until a sentence is complete.
I cut a whole-figure portrait into head, chest, legs and feet, using 5 different models, volonteers from the public..The painting session lasted from 6 p.m. to 11p.m.
It was the first time I painted in a public square, without the protection of gallery walls
I wanted to know if there was a difference between my work and a street painter, or, if there was not, whether this was important. The public was very nice and helpful.
