En réalité Donald n'est pas l'oncle des 3 petits canards Riri Fifi et Loulou mais il est leur père et la belle Daisy dont il est amoureux est leur mère qui l'a quitté, lui laissant la charge de leurs 3 enfants. Quand Donald fut au courant que Mickey, son unique ami, organisait des soirées et autres piques-niques pour rapprocher Daisy et Gontrand, le riche et chanceux canard dont elle était tombée amoureuse, il se vengeat avec toute la rage dont il était capable sur la personne de Mickey, la nuit tombée, quand les studios de dessin Disney fermaient leur porte. Stéphane Steiner
Donald's Revenge Story board. If we are to believe Steiner "In reality Donald is not the uncle but the father of the young Beavers and Daisy is their mother While Donald was trying to win back Daisy Mickey was arranging her wedding with Gontrand." The proposition may leave a smile of doubt playing across the lips of those who saw this series of drawings as simply an anti-imperialist satire. Let's face it, after all these years Mickey is no more American than Coke. Kids are weaned on him here just as they are everywhere else. The little mouse has had time to learn about all kinds of other cultures. If I say "Topolino," then doesn't the brat already seem more likeable? But what's at stake here is more the violence of a crime story. In this modern tragedy, an abandoned father of three succumbs to madness. A desperate man who chooses to take it out on his best friend rather than on his wife's lover Violins.
Donald's revenge 2008
Encre de chine sur papier Canson, dimension variable
Donald's revenge 1995-1998
Encre de chine sur papier Canson, dimension variable