Though Art My Only Desire 2011
Performance, 50mn, Bulthaup, Bruxelles

« Anna has developed a performance especially for this Waxy Pith occasion. Contained herein are distinct tinges of Bruce Nauman's Violent Incident (1986), in which the voice and body are employed as instruments of choice, revealing the madness that dwells within us, the vacuum that gnaws at us, the death that faces us, directly involving the audience as victims or guinea pigs. In her performance, Anna constructs the terribly romantic scenario of a woman's invitation to her lover to come for a home-cooked meal one evening. With dinner preparations underway and a perfectly arranged table setting in place, there is nothing but promise in the air. » Waxy Pith


Briser les murs 2012
Performance, 45mn, Synesthesie, Paris
Photographies L. Chazottes

Briser les murs présente ces artistes qui cherchent à transgresser les frontières classiques de l'art et qui impliquent le spectateur, lui permettant de faire une expérience au-delà du rapport frontal. Prenant la forme d'une programmation plus qu'une exposition figée, le tout s'impose comme un dispositif de monstration adapté aux oeuvres sélectionnées et aux préoccupations qui les constituent.

